Life with Romeo: Snow Day Spectacular!
Nothing like a snow day in the middle of March. Global warming, anyone? Anyway, Romeo isn't really a big fan of the cold or the snow. He poop strikes full force and pees right outside the door of the balcony, instead of going down the steps to the yard. Anything to minimize outside time. If he could potty inside, he would. But let's not give him any ideas.
While Romeo hated the snow on the actual snow day, he absolutely loved it the next day. The sun was shining, the snow was smooth and soft, and he could basically paw-skate around the backyard with ease. He zoomied all across the snow-covered deck and caught all the snowballs I threw his way.
We had a blast. Not to mention -- the winter wonderland makes a beautiful backdrop for some stunning photography.
Here are some photos from our snow day spectacular.